18 July 2018. Istanbul. Memories of a lifetime! . . .

18 July 2018. Istanbul. Memories of a lifetime! . . .
18 July 2018. Istanbul. Memories of a lifetime! . . .
Mongolian lunch!!!! . . . .
August 2018. Mongolia. ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ ๐ฒ๐ณ . . One fine day in Mongolia. Our perfect camping spot for the night!!! . . .
Tabriz July 2018. Exploring a new world of unknow spices! . . .
Istanbul. ๐ฎ๐นIncredibile panorama dalla terrazza del nostro ostello, in una delle prime serate del nostro Mongol Rally, quando eravamo ancora pieni di energie e riponevamo ogni fiducia su Piero! ๐ฌ๐ง Incredibile panorama from the terrace of our hostel looking over Ayasofya. We were still full of energy and very trusting in Piero! . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally alboretoisnothing gallery party roadtrippers roam tourtheplanet travel_drops youmustsee istanbul instaviaggi silkroad ayasofya topkapi doveviaggi folkscenery canon_photo canon5dmarkii visitturkey nightphotography nightshooters mosque middleeast viadellaseta . . Picture: @massimilianopezzo
Istanbul, day 4. ๐ฌ๐ง A picture of the Sultan Ahmed Fountain, built in 1728, in a Turkish Rococรฒ style, the so called Tulip Period of Ottoman Era. Obviously in a pedestrian pathway.. And obviously we got lost following Google maps, so we ended up exclty in front of this wonderful fountain with Piero!!! . . .
๐ฎ๐น Giovani dentro! Ma ancora anche un po’ fuori! . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally alboretoisnothing gallery party solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition happybirthday macchinagialla vanlifeexplorers viadellaseta lonelyplanetitaly giallo girlsdreamtravel donneinviaggio silkroad subaru subarulibero akbaitalpass pamir pamirhighway instaviaggi yellowisthenewblack yellowcar tourtheplanet travelgirl travelbloggeritaliane travelinladies theadventurists roadtrippers sheisnotlost . .
Caro Piero, Ti abbiamo portato per circa 16000 km e 15 frontiere, su asfalto, buche, sterrati, sabbia, fuoristrada, dai 55 gradi alla temperatura della neve. Ti abbiamo guidato, spinto, tirato, ficcato in un camion frigo, preso a martellate, cambiato molle, cavi, fusibili come non ci fosse un domani, montati transistor e dato la miglior benzina che potevamo. Negli ultimi mesi abbiamo passato piรน tempo con te che con i nostri parenti e non sei sempre stato simpatico. Ma avevamo promesso di portarti qui su questo palchetto in Siberia e tu lo avevi promesso a noi. E lo abbiamo fatto Grazie! . . . . Dear Piero, We took you more than 16000 km and 15 borders far from home, through asphalt, tarmac, off road, holes, Sand, desert and mountains. We drove you, carried and tow, put in a fridge truck, we fixed spring, cables, transistors, changed tons of fuses and gave you the best fuel we fond. During the last months we saw you more than our families and no, you have not always been nice. But we promised you to bring you on this Siberian little stage and you promised us the same. We did it. Thanks! . . Grazie a Danisi Engineering, @japanpartsgroup @tubi_style_official @autoscuolarocca, SOGARI arti grafiche, CCL, @autogem.modena @ftech_motorsport @parco1923 @pleiadi_asd @autoscuolarocca, @ilovemaranello . . mongolrally2018 Mongolrally mongolia macchinagialla nonsonobellopiaccio finishline ulanude russia coolearth charity gallery fondazionecittadellasperanza Danisiengineering subaru subarulibero solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition alboretoisnothing party indianajonesspostati yellowisthenewblack tourtheplanet . @fogscientist @massimilianopezzo
“A forza di guardare il cielo e di respirare a pieni polmoni lโaria fresca della notte, mi pareva di riempirmi di stelle.” Tiziano Terzani . . ๐ฎ๐น Repost @fogscientist โข โข โข โข โข Campeggiando sotto le stelle della Mongolia. . . ๐ฌ๐ง Camping under Mongolian stars. . mongolia Mongolrally mongolrally2018 nightphotography canon5dmarkii lonelyplanetitaly gallery stars stelle vialattea solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition seekdiscovery siviaggiare alboretoisnothing party instadventures youdidnotsleepthere tourtheplanet travelingpost theadventurists earthoutdoors wildernessnation . . Photo by @massimilianopezzo
๐ฎ๐น Un’altra foto di ieri, una giornata incredibile con Aisholpan, l’unica donna cacciatrice con la sua aquila, White wings. Aisholpan a 13 anni vinse il Golden Eagle festival ed รจ la protagonista del film “The Eagle Huntress”. Incredibile. Nella foto @massimilianopezzo, @caterina.secchieri, @fabiobernardinello con la macchina fotografica e grazie a @fogscientist che ci sta facendo la foto! . . . ๐ฌ๐ง Another funny picture of yesterday, with Aisholpan and her female eagle “White wings”. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. . . .
Repost @caterina.secchieri โข โข โข โข โข Mongolia. A day with Aisholpan, the Eagle Huntress. . . She is the first female eagle Huntress in 12 generation in her family; we spent a whole day with her and her eagle , speaking about Eagle Hunters culture and way of living, staring at her Wonderful and powerful bird amazed and scared at the same time. At the age of 13 She won the Eagle Festival and She is the star of the movie “The Eagle Huntress”. Just incredibile. What an incredibile young woman. . .
๐ฎ๐น E siamo in Mongolia!!!!!! Non c รจ bisogno di altre parole!!!!dopo 8 ore alla frontiera russo-mongola finalmente siamo nel paese dei cacciatori di aquile! ๐ฌ๐ง Finally MONGOLIAAAAA!! After 8 longest hours at the border we finally got into the eagle hunters country! ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ ๐ฆ . . .
๐ฎ๐น La Russia ci ha stupito con sterminati campi di infiniti girasoli…abbinatissimi con Piero. Questo si chiama stile. ๐ป ๐ป ๐ป ๐ป ๐ป ๐ป ๐ฌ๐ง Russia surprised us with neverending sunflowers fields … A perfect color matching with Piero… . . . .
๐ฎ๐น Il paese piรน lungo da attraversare senza dubbio รจ il Kazakistan ๐ฐ๐ฟ. 900 km di infinita steppa, percorsi su una strada con ogni tipo di buca che potesse esistere. Ah, e i lupi che compaiono quando stai pensando di piantare la tenda a bordo strada… ๐ฌ๐ง The longest country to cross is Kazakistan ๐ฐ๐ฟ. 900 km on neverending road full of bumps and craters…and wolves! . . .
๐ฎ๐น Dopo due giorni di Kirghizistan abbiamo capito che lo sfondo di Windows รจ stato ispirato da questi pascoli!! ๐ฌ๐ง After a couple of days wondering in Kirghizistan we understood that Windows screensaver has been seen here! . . .
๐ฎ๐น 4665. Ak Baital Pass. Verso le nuvole!!!!! . . .
๐ฎ๐น Mongolia arriviamo!!!! Dalle alture della Pamir sembri sempre piรน vicina! ๐ฌ๐ง Mongolia here we came! From Pamir you seem a little bit closer! . . .
๐ฎ๐น Abbiamo fatto la Pamir! Tutta! Grandissimo Piero!!! ๐ฌ๐ง Pamir road: done!!! Super Piero!!! . . .
๐ฎ๐น Incredibile Mausoleo di Tamerlsno a Samarcanda! Le Mille e una Notte sono qui!!!!!!! ๐ฌ๐ง Taamerlan, your grave let us speechless!!!!! . . . .
๐ฎ๐น Andiamo a pari con gli aggiornamenti rimasti indietro.. Lunedรฌ siamo finalmente sconfinati in Uzbekistan e arrivati a Bukhara, centro glorioso lungo la via della Seta. Chiudere gli occhi e immaginare carovane di cammelli cariche di sete preziose e spezie รฉ un emozione che toglie il fiato. ๐ฌ๐ง On monday we got to Bukhara, in Uzbekistan, one of the most important stopping places along the Silk Road. Just close your eyes and immagine thousand of Camels, 800 years ago, carrying the most precious Silk through this place.. . . .
๐ฎ๐น Deserto del Karakum, attraversato con circa 55 gradi. Mai patito cosรฌ caldo in vita nostra.. Ma Piero รจ bravissimo, ha affrontato temperature proibitive sprezzante dell’asfalto che si fondeva sotto le sue ruote.. ๐ฌ๐ง The hottest day of our whole life: 55 degress on the road . Piero has been perfect, facing without any esitation the melting tarmac! . . .
SWIPE!!! ๐ฎ๐น Approfittando del fermo di Piero questi giorni ci siamo divisi tra officina e perlustrazione di Teheran.. ๐ฌ๐ง Waiting for Piero to be fixed, Some Teheran pictures… . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally alboretoisnothing gallery party solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition teheran iranian_photography persia visitiran holyshrine imamzadehsaleh tajrish architectures CBviews travel_drops doveviaggi lonelyplanetitaly seekdiscovery lovetheworld adventurenthusiasts tourtheplanet mtriran blue tiles @ Tehran, Iran
๐ฎ๐น Un altro scorcio del bazar di Teheran… ๐ฌ๐ง Another glimpse of the Teheran bazar.. . . .
๐ฎ๐น Teheran, anche Se caotica, ci regala delle perle incredibili, come la Imam Khomeini Mosquee, esattamente di fianco al bazar piรน grande del mondo… ๐ฌ๐ง Teheran have Some incredibile spot to visit, like Imam Khomeini Mosquee, just nearby the huge bazar. . . . alboretoisnothing party gallery mongolrally2018 mongolrally teheran visitiran mosque moschea imamkhomeinimosque tourtheplanet youmustsee lonelyplanetitaly doveviaggi CBviews travel_drops architectures architectur_hunters middleeast blue bluetiles iranian_photography indianajonesspostati t @ Imam Khomeini Mosque
๐ฎ๐น Goreme, Cappadocia. L’incredibile spettacolo delle mongolfiere all’alba. ๐ฌ๐ง The incredibile air baloon show at dawn in Goreme. . . . wanderlust womenwhoexplore turchia turkey travelholic UNESCO passionpassport party alboretoisnothing solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition day6 firstpost oftheday gallery kapadokya cappadocia airbaloon mongolfiera bbctravel mongolrally2018 mongolrally livetravelchannel mylpguide earthpics travelawesome tourtheplanet fantasticlife travelsugg wonderlust @ Gรถreme – Kapadokya TรRKฤฐYE
๐ฎ๐น Stasera tappa a Istanbul..Piero dorme vicino a due compagne di avventura mentre noi ci godiamo una vista incredibile dalla terrazza del nostro ostello e una passeggiata.. ๐ฌ๐ง Tonigh we are staying in Istanbul.. Piero is sleeping nearby 2 others Mongol Rally cars while we enjoy an incredibile view from the hotel terrace.. . . . mongolrally2018 mongolrally bizantines bosforo day4 solewhiskyeseiinpoleposition alboretoisnothing party gallery ottomanempire istanbul indianajonesspostati UNESCO turchia romanempire epicjourney wanderlust turkey nightphotography ayasofya hagiasophia mylpguide passionpassport bbctravel igersistanbul tourtheplanet destinationearth @ Istanbul, Turkey