Tag Archives: ankara

🇮🇹 Il lago Tuz é uno dei laghi salati

🇮🇹 Il lago Tuz é uno dei laghi salati più grandi al mondo e occupa una vasta zona dell’Anatolia centrale. Durante l’inverno la sua profondità raggiunge a mala pena i 2 metri per prosciugarsi durante il periodo estivo. Spesso prende una colorazione rossa a causa di un alga (si si, quella dei fenicotteri rosa)… 🇬🇧 Tuz lake is one of the biggest Salt lakes in the world. During wintertime it may reach the depth of 2 m while during summer get’s dry. Its home of large flamingo colonies. . . .

Another highlight of our trip Will be

Another highlight of our trip Will be Turkey. FACTS: It has ben inhabited since Paleolitic, then romanempire and bizantines. From the 13th the ottomanempire became a word power. universalsuffrage for both sexes has been applied since 1933. Turkey has 17 UNESCO world sites. Ankara is renowed for angoracats angorarabbits and goats. In the map you can see the provinces we are crossing in light blue . .