Tag Archives: tajikistan

🇮🇹 La faticosissima (e non solo per Piero)

🇮🇹 La faticosissima (e non solo per Piero) salita al punto più alto dell’avventura!!!!.. Se vi state chiedendo se noi siamo scesi dal potente mezzo per fare il video la risposta è NO! Siamo scesi perché la belva motorizzata ha deciso che pesavamo troppo per portarci fino a 4655 metri di quota sulle sue ruote.. 🇬🇧 Our Challenging (and not just for Piero) climb to the highest point of our Journey. Anyway If you are wondering If we just walked up for making an epic video, the answer is NO! We had to go with our own feet because the Yellow Beast decided we were too heavy to carry all 4 of us up to 4655 meters above Sea Level… . . . .

🇮🇹 Abbiamo fatto la Pamir! Tutta! Grandissimo Piero!!! 🇬🇧

🇮🇹 Abbiamo fatto la Pamir! Tutta! Grandissimo Piero!!! 🇬🇧 Pamir road: done!!! Super Piero!!! . . .

Our route to Mongolia is passing through

Our route to Mongolia is passing through epic landscapes. One of the is the Pamir Highway. The M41, known informally and more commonly as the Pamir Highway is a road traversing the Pamir Mountains through Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia. It starts from Dushanbe, extends to the Kyrgyzstan border, before cutting in on a direct route to Khorog and finishes in Osh. This highway is denitely described as one of the most spectacular in the world. It has been Built by Soviet military engineers between 1931 and 1934 to facilitate troop transport and provisioning, retracing the anc ient silk road. In all its potholed, yak-used glory, is a major highlight of visits to the region and It’s the world’s second highest highway, after the Karakorum one: it passes through the 4,655-meter (15,270 ft) high Ak-Baital Pass and past Lake Karakul. The roadway is paved is some areas, but is mostly unpaved, the landscape is lunar barren and otherworldly, though a little wetter than the earth’s orbiting rock, This is a hard climb even for 4-wheel drive vehicles and it can produce headache and difficulty breathing. . .